What Do Grass-Fed Cows Eat In The Winter? Part 2

What Do Grass-Fed Cows Eat In The Winter? Part 2

September 16, 2023

Have you ever wondered what a 100% Grass-Fed cow eats at Wilderness Ranch in the wintertime in Southern Ontario? Find out how we feed our Grass-Fed cattle at Wilderness Ranch throughout the Winter Months.

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Vaccines, Antibiotics and Hormones. Does Wilderness Ranch Use Them?

Vaccines, Antibiotics and Hormones. Does Wilderness Ranch Use Them?

August 16, 2023

Some of our customers have been asking us if we use vaccines, antibiotics and added hormones in our animals so we have specifically written this blog to address these questions. If you're wondering about today's use of vaccines, antibiotics and added hormones in cattle, you're not alone!

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Stuffed Beef Tenderloin

Stuffed Beef Tenderloin Recipe

February 05, 2019

A delicious recipe featuring a 100% Grass Fed Beef Tenderloin Roast, along with some Pasture-Raised Bacon - so good you won't be able to resist trying it for yourself!

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